Kids Back to School at Harbourview Church
Terry Hopkins2024-08-30T08:51:36-07:00Hey Church! We have an excellent opportunity to connect with our community. Is the Spirit nudging you to serve on Sunday, Sept 8th? If your gifts are in the area of hospitality or children you could make this day amazing.
The invitation is for families to join us on Sunday, September 8th at 10 am for
Praise in the Park
Terry Hopkins2024-08-20T15:35:53-07:00Praise in the Park This Sunday!
Sunday at 11 am for our last summer Meeting in Memorial Park. Dana will be sharing. Bring a dish to share, hot dogs will be provided.
4 pm BBQ with the Aitkens
Terry Hopkins2024-08-04T09:29:37-07:00Sorry folks time changed to 4 pm
Cam, Candace, Charlotte and Logan
Sunday, August 4th at The Hopkins Place 4pm
This is for all those who want to drop in and say hello to the Aitkens.
Bring a dish to share and we will have Burgers and Dogs.
More of the Esquimalt Market
Terry Hopkins2024-08-02T12:53:53-07:00Part 2 of the Esquimalt Free Market
What’s Going On at the Market?
Terry Hopkins2024-08-02T12:39:59-07:00The Living Edge, Harbourview Church Supported by The Esquimalt Neighbourhood House is in its fifth year. Many people do not know about the market or how it works so we thought we would show you.