The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada profoundly grieves the recent revelation of the deaths of 215 indigenous children


June 1, 2021

The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada profoundly grieves the recent revelation of the deaths of 215 indigenous children in Kamloops, B.C. Our heart goes out to their families, their home communities, and to all First Nations across Canada.

The residential school system remains a stain on Canada’s history. We acknowledge that our ancestors

The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada profoundly grieves the recent revelation of the deaths of 215 indigenous children2024-04-12T17:05:16-07:00

Faith and Hope in Action


Check out the latest CMA Justice and Compassion Newsletter.


Did you know that 1,200 Yazidi refugees are coming to 5 Canadian cities?

That CMA is involved in:

  • Ending hunger in Niger
  • Reconciliation in creation

Have a look!

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Faith and Hope in Action2017-05-15T11:31:42-07:00

Jesus and the Government Official


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by Dave Hearn, President of the C&MA Canada

One of the people I met in my recent trip

Jesus and the Government Official2024-04-12T17:05:07-07:00
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