What are your gifts?


We had a good evening of worship and a time of reviewing our spiritual gifts.  Everyone filled out a survey on gifts and as we completed them, shared for the group what were their results. It made for a fun and informative time.  Next week we have a look at our personality styles. I am

What are your gifts?2017-10-03T10:46:46-07:00

LIFE Groups Are Coming!


LIFE Groups are starting up again the week of September 18th. Stay tuned for more info to follow.


LIFE Groups

This what our LIFE Groups are about at HC:

L = learning together

I = Impacting our community together

F= Friendships growing together

E = Experiencing God’s Love together



LIFE Groups Are Coming!2017-10-03T10:21:13-07:00

Grace Changes Everything


Join us at Harbourview Church for an eight-week video-based study Grace Changes Everything.  We learn about the gospel and how to live it out in everyday life.  Timothy Keller is an author and pastor often referred to as the C.S. Lewis of our generation.  Come and see his presentations with us.

In week one we will study

Grace Changes Everything2017-01-05T14:01:08-08:00
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