This is an 8 session training with teaching and practice exploring the 5 Step Prayer Model developed by John Wimber.
The dates and location details are yet to be confirmed.
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The Five Steps are a helpful way to pray for the sick, broken-hearted and the demonized. The Steps are based on a series of questions helping to decide what to do next and how effective the ministry is at that point.
A small registration fee of $20.00 is requested to cover materials and room rentals.
What is Prayer Ministry?
Prayer Ministry is a prayer encounter with another person praying, where we are actively involved in communicating with both God and with an individual in need.
Prayer ministry is immediate (dealing with whatever you encounter in the moment), personal (direct, disclosing), Spirit-led (spontaneous, unrehearsed), contextual (sensitive to the specific person or place), and specific (in response to a specific need or request.)
Why Train in Prayer ministry?
There are certain basic skills that can be both learned and practiced as we seek to minister to others in hands-on prayer.
Who is qualified to Be On a Prayer Team?
Those who are accountable to Harbourview Church Leadership. Anyone can take the training.
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