Dr. Bonnie Henry our Provincial Health Officer, recommends self-isolating and practicing social distancing due to the Covid-19 virus.
Our province is in a state of emergency. What we do today will impact the health of our community in the weeks to come.
Stay home unless absolutely necessary. No dinner parties. No shopping. No sports, not even outside. Go for walks, check in with friends online.
Keep six feet or two metres away from everyone at all times. That’s about the width of a car or two arm lengths. Call your loved ones and tell them to do the same.
Remind young people in your life that they can get sick from this virus. More importantly, they can be carriers and cause a lot of harm to parents, grandparents, and other loved ones. No playdates with other kids, avoid crowded outdoor spaces, avoid playgrounds.
We can do this, but we can’t wait one more hour or one more day. Let’s save lives, together.