By the time you are reading this my family and I will be visiting England and with it seeing sites like Buckingham Palace and other royal related arenas. Perhaps if our timing is right we may even catch a glimpse of any members of the royal family. But if it were not for the palace walls and entourage of escorts wherever the family goes they probably would just blend in with the rest of us.
Believers in Jesus Christ are also royalty and are called to blend into the fabric of our communities and represent the King. We have been spiritually reborn into the family of the King of the universe. Peter called us a “royal priesthood” (1 Pet. 2:9). John declared that through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross we are “kings and priests to His God and Father” (Rev. 1:6).
We may look like everyone else, but as Christians, our speech and our actions should cause others to ask, “What’s different about her, about him?” We’re royalty, of course! What a privilege to be members of God’s royal family. What a responsibility! Every day we represent One who is the “ruler over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5). Let’s make sure our conduct shows it.
Pastor Paul