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Hey Harbourview Church!
There is an event on August 26th for us to connect with our community. It’s our back to School Bash!
It will be a lot of fun, especially for the kids, so we encourage you to drop in and meet our neighbours.
We will have Free hotdogs, games, bouncy castle and 3 bikes to give away. We will also have some socks and shoes to give away.
It is at Esquimalt Neighbourhood House 511 Constance August 26th 1p-4p
Lampson Street LIFE Group is the team lead on this one, but if you want to help out let us know.
Want to contribute to help out Neighbourhood House?
Here is a list of practical things they need.
Diapers size 1-5 (we regularly receive donations for newborns and so we have plenty)
5 quality wooden puzzles ranging from 4 pieces to 12 pieces for use in Family Services
2 quality puzzles (possible floor puzzles) for 4-5 year olds for use in Family Services
Welcome baby bags to give when baby is born containing:
Baby carrier (evenflo breathable carrier can be found at Walmart for about $25)
Package of face clothes
Receiving Blanket
Cloth baby book
Onesie/ sleeper some 0-3 months, majority 3-6 months
Parent-child craft bags for parents to take home, containing for example:
Water color paint
Colored construction paper
Small 5×8 canvas
Pipe cleaners/ googly eyes/ pompons/buttons/feathers…
Non-toxic, washable markers/crayons
Coloring book
Michaels or Walmarts gift card for program craft supplies