Where: 2946 Ilene Terrace
When: June 27, 11 a.m. until…well…till they kick us out of their backyard!
Dear friends,
The Bergmanns’ last official Sunday with Harbourview is coming up soon! We want to gather and bless this beloved family and surround them with our love as they step into the next chapter of their lives.
Paul and Megan have offered and we are delighted to accept the use of their backyard for this event.
This an open invitation to one and all who are or have been a part of the Harbourview family, to love on the Bergmanns! Please RSVP so we can get a sense of the numbers coming to the gathering. Please RSVP to Debbie Hopkins at office@harbourviewchurch.com or Bill Standeven at musicall@telus.net
Please bring food to BBQ and a dish to share or bring food just for yourselves or your family as you feel comfortable. A table will be put out as a “share” table.
As part of our blessing on behalf of Harbourview, the Board would like to honour the Bergmann family with a special gift basket. We have set a target of $500 and would welcome contributions towards this gift. If you feel this is something you would like to contribute to, please forward your contribution to the church office by mail or by e-transfer. We would like to gather all funds by noon on June 14th.
For the gathering, and as part of our celebration of them, please bring a memory or a blessing to share! We want to honour them for their loving service over the past 15 years. If you are not able to join us on this special day but would like to send along a memory or blessing we would be delighted to share them during the gathering.