Greetings Harbourview Family,

It is with great excitement and anticipation of what the Lord is going to do in our midst through the coming season that we write to you today.

As you may be aware, government regulations on gatherings in all places have been changed, included in these changes are places of worship. With a heart to engage and equip, keep our family and community safe, and maintain a strong witness in our community, the Elders Board has been meeting to develop a re-opening plan. We will enter what we are calling Phase 2 of our Church Reopening plan on Sunday, July the 11th.

What will be changing?

  1. We will move from having Online Gatheringsduring Phase 1 to Phase 2: In-Person Gatherings two Sundays per month for July and August.

Keep the following dates open for some fun! fellowship! and friendship!

July 11

July 25

Aug 8

Aug 22

What we are hoping will happen:

We are having gatherings in a park and of course, will respect whatever COVID regulations are required.

What we will need:

  • Please, if you have outdoor games to play, message Bill Standeven at
  • Please bring your own food/snacks plus enough to share with a few others
  • Please invite family and friends to come along who might like to get to know us!

Because of our desire to keep our congregation safe and maintain a strong witness by honoring government regulations, our capacity will be limited to roughly 50 persons.

More information on what these In-Person Gatherings will look like, including a what to expect video, meeting guidelines, and an online save my seat option will be coming very soon!

Rest assured, while these In-Person Gatherings will look somewhat different from what you may be used to, the Elders are working extra hard to make sure these gatherings will be life-giving and a wonderful opportunity to gather together as a church and grow in our relationship with one another and Christ.

  1. Church life groups will continue to meet to offer us all an opportunity for some fun, fellowship, and a chance to pray for each other.
  1. Farewell BBQ for Paul, Megan, Bronwyn, Caleb and Adelle. Yes, the time is nearing when we shall gather to bless this beloved family as they start a new chapter in their lives.

Keep the following date open for a time of sharing and blessing.

June 27, 11 a.m. until…well,… till they kick us out of their backyard!

Location: 2946 Ilene Terrace

This is an open invitation to one and all who are part of the Harbourview family or may have been part of the family in the past, to love on the Bergmann’s! Please bring a memory or a blessing to share! We want to honour them for their loving service over the past 15 years. Further information will also be forthcoming on this event in the next few days.

  1. Moving from Phase 2: In-Person Gatherings two Sundays per month for July and August, to Phase 3: Indoor In-Person Gatherings on Sundays.

With the latest news regarding reduced restrictions on gatherings in places of worship, we ask for your continued patience. Be assured that a detailed plan to reopen is now being finalized. We have set a tentative date of Sept. 12, but more will be communicated as soon as we are ready. Many things need to be put in place before we can reopen, including the certainty of our location, and how to be safe and keep our communities safe.

Isaiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Let’s keep loving God, connecting with one another, and serving Jesus in everything we do!


Harbourview Board of Elders